TECHNICAL REPORT ISO/TR 7621-1982 (E) Iso Published 1982-12-15 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION MEKAYHAPOAHAA OPTAHM3AUMH IO CTAHAAPTW3ALMMORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Rubber or plastics covered rollers -- Enquiries and Recommendations for technical information to orders - be supplied by purchaser In 1979 Technical Committee ISO/TC 45, Rubber and rubber products, agreed to progress a request by Yugoslavia to issue a docu- with a product as suitable as possible for the intended application. A draft was then prepared taking account of the technical terms used in a number of countries. The draft was discussed by Working group 11, Miscellaneous rubber products, of TC 45 in 1980 and the recommendation made that it should be published as an Iso Technical Report type 3. The draft was subsequently balloted within TC 45 as a draft proposal for a Technical Report. After amendment, as a result of the comments received, TC 45 approved the issue of the document as a type 3 Technical Report. Contents Page 0 Introduction 2 1 Scope and field of application 2 2 References 2 3 Roller application . 2 4 Roller design and construction 3 5 Service characteristics. 5 6Other specific requirements and other relevant information UDC 678.06 : 62-434 Ref. No. : ISO/TR 7621-1982 (E) Descriptors : rollers, plastic coatings, rubber coatings, information. @ International Organization for Standardization, 1982 Price based on 8 pages Copyright Internatioal Organization for standardization Not for Resale d without license from IHS ISO/TR 7621-1982 (E) 0 Introduction This Technical Report specifies the essential information required by the rolier covering manufacturer Covered rollers are cylindrical cores, usually made of metal upon which a covering of rubber or plastics is bonded. The covering specification is made for a particular application. The rollers are made in a wide variety of sizes and the covering will vary in hardness, type of material and surface treatment depending upon their intended use. The function of the roller together with the conditions under which it has to operate, determine its size and structure as well as the physical and chemicai properties of the covering material. This document lists most of the essential information required to establish the most serviceabte and durable roller covering. It should serve as a basis for questionnaires to be completed by a roller customer in connection with an enquiry or order. Not all questions are pertinent to every roller application. Only questions relevant to the application need be answered. Different in. dustries wouid ideally require individual compilations. Roller manufacturers have or may elaborate from the items below different lists NoTE - If different terms are applied in English and American usage, both terms are given, in the format English term/American term Scope and field of application 1 This Technical Report specifies most of the information which may be required by a manufacturer from a customer in order to deter- mine themost suitable roller coveringforaparticular purpose 2 References ISO6123/1to3,Rubberorplasticscoveredrollers--Specifications Part 1:Requirements forhardness Part 2 : Surface characteristics. 1) Part 3 : Dimensions and dimensional tolerances.1) 3 Roller application 3.1 Machine in which the roller is used : a) branch or type of industry; b) function of the machine or process; machine manufacturer : c) 1) type, 2) year of construction; d) roller position on machine. 3.2 Function of the roller : for example suction, squeezing, guiding, carrying, driving, spreading, drawing, inking, engraving, embossing 3.3 Products carried : a) nature of product carried by or in contact with the roller, for example fabric, paper, sheet metai, timber, etc; b) thickness of product (if applicable); c) temperature of product. 1) At present at the stage of draft. se from IHS ISO/TR 7621-1982 (E) Roller design and construction 4 4.1 Roller core/shell 4.1.1

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ISO_TR 7621-1982Rubber or plastics covered rollers. Enquiries and orders. Recommendations for techni 第 1 页 ISO_TR 7621-1982Rubber or plastics covered rollers. Enquiries and orders. Recommendations for techni 第 2 页 ISO_TR 7621-1982Rubber or plastics covered rollers. Enquiries and orders. Recommendations for techni 第 3 页
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