TECHNICAL REPORT 7468 (formerly ISO/DATA 1, second edition, 1978-11-01) fso Published 1981-01-01 Summary of average stress rupture properties of wrought steels for boilers and pressure vessels Resume des caracteristiques moyennes de contrainte de rupture pour les aciers corroyés pour chaudieres et appareils a pression represented in ISO Technical Committee 17, Steel. It was used as a basis for establishing International Standards ISo 2604/I to 2604/lV, which specify quality requirements for the various forms of the steels concerned. Because of the potential usefulness of the experimental data themselves, the Iso Council decided to publish them in a reference document. This first edition of ISO/TR 7468 contains new and revised data, as described in the Introduction. It cancels and replaces the first and the second edition of ISO/DATA 1 which were published in 1975 and 1978. ISO/TR 7468-1981 UDC 669.14.018.452 : 539.4 : 620.172.251.2 Ref. No. 1SO/TR 7468-1981 (E) Descriptors : steels, rolled products, unalloyed steels, alloy steels, manganese steels, molybdenum steels, chromium-molybdenum steels, nickel- chromium-molybdenum steels, boilers, pressure vessels, mechanical properties, creep rupture strength, rupture stress. Price based on 49 pages Copyright International Organization for Standardization from IHS Not for Resale @ International Organization for Standardization, 1981 Printed in Switzerland Not for Resale ISO/TR 7468-1981 (E) Summary of average stress rupture properties of wrought steels for boilers and pressure vessels INTRODUCTION data have been analysed or assessed for several of these grades, and for 3 further grades. The new and revised stress rupture values and updated asterisks, as indicated in the following table, agreed by ISO/TC 17/SC 10 in May 1975, are included in this document, which therefore contains the stress rupture values for all boiler and pressure vessel steels at present in IS0 2604/l to is0 2604/1V (1975). The master curves used for the derivation of the values, for times of 10 000 to 250 000 h, are aiso shown. The values contained in this document will be subject to review as more data become available. Page Stea! 4 Carbon steel Revised values (Semi killed and Si killed) 6 Carbon stee! Revised values (Si and Al killed) 8 Carbon manganese steels Revised values Carbon steel - Stress relieved 10 Revised values Carbon manganese steel - Stress relieved 11 Revised values 12 0.3 % Mo steei Updated asterisks 0.5 % Mo steel 14 New values 1 /2 % Cr 1 /2 % Mo 1/4 % V steel 16 Updated asterisks 5 % CrMo steel 24 Annealed New values 26 Normalised and tempered New values 9 % Cr 1 % Mo steel Anneaied Revised values 28 Normalised and tempered 30 Revised values 38 18 % Cr 12 % NiMo steel Updated asterisks Notes on tables Chemical composition The limits of chemical composition for which the properties apply are the ranges of chemical composition of the test material used in the assessment, except where these fall within the relevant range specified in 10 2604/I to 1IS0 2604/IV (1975). In such cases the specified limit is listed. 2 Quantity and duration of data The quantity and duration of data in these tables are the data used to derive the values in the average rupture stress tables. The asterisks in the average rupture stress tables are based on the total data available, which are given in the appropriate ISO/TC 17/SC 10/ETP documents, reference to which is made at the top of each set of tables. 1 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Not for Resale

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