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(ISO 962 NTERNATIONAL STANDARD INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION -MEKIyHAPOHA OPTAHH3AW HIO CTAHIAPTW3ALIWW ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Information processing --- Implementation of the 7-bit coded character set and its 7-bit and 8-bit extensions on 9-track 12,7 mm (0.5 in) magnetic tape Traitement de I'information - Materialisation du jeu de caracteres codes a 7 élements et de ses extensions a 7 et 8 elements sur bande magnetique a 9 pistes de 12,7 mm (0,5 in) de large First edition - 1974-11-01 UDC 683.1 Ref. No. ISO 962-1974 (E) ISO962-1974 (E) Descriptors : data processing, magnetic tapes, character sets, coding. Price based on 3 pages Copyright International Organization for Standardization Not for Resale FOREWORD ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards institutes (ISO Member Bodies). The work of developing International Standards is carried out through ISO Technical Committees. Every Member Body interested in a subject for which a Technical Committee has been set up has the right to be represented on that Comrnittee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with IsO, aiso take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the Technical Committees are circulated to. the Member Bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the IsO Council. International Standard iSO 962 was drawn up by Technical Committee ISO/Tc 97, Computers and information processing, and circulated to the Member Bodies in September 1973 It has been approved by the Member Bodies of the following countries : Ireland Spain Australia Belgium Italy Sweden Brazil Switzerland Japan Bulgaria Mexico Thailand Canada Netherlands Turkey New Zealand United Kingdom Czechoslovakia Denmark U.S.A. Poland France Portugal U.S.S.R. Germany Romania Yugoslavia Hungary South Africa, Rep. of No Member Body expressed disapproval of the document. Recommendation International cancels and replaces ISO This Standard R 962-1969, of which it constitutes a technical revision. @ International Organization for Standardization, 1974 : Printed in Switzerland Copyright Intenatinal Organization for Standardization ed without license from IHS Not for Resale ISO 962-1974(E) INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Information processing - Implementation of the 7-bit coded character set and its 7-bit and 8-bit extensions on 9-track 12,7 mm (0.5 in) magnetic tape 1 SCOPE AND FIELD OF APPLICATION magnetic signals intended for input, output and storage purposes on computers and associated equipment.2) This International Standard specifies the implementation of the 7-bit coded character set and its 7-bit and 8-bit 3.2 track : A longitudinal area on the tape along which a extensions on 9-track 12.7 mm (0.5 in) magnetic tape. series of magnetic signals may be recorded.2) 3.3 reference edge : The edge farthest from an observer, or nearest the top of a page, when a tape is lying flat with the 2 REFERENCES oxide side uppermost and the direction of movement for recording from left to right.2) (See figure.) 2.1 This International Standard refers to the 7-bit coded character set which is the subject of IsO 646, 7-bit coded 3.4 row: A transverse area on the tape along which character set for information processing interchange,and magnetic signals of tracks are recorded. ISO 2022,Code extension techniques for use with the/sO 7-bit coded character set. 3.5 block : A series of rows, limited by suitable marks, to be recorded and read as a group. 2.2 The magnetic tape on which this character set is implemented is specified in the following sO publications : 3.6 gap : A space left unused between blocks. ISO/R 1862, 9-track 8 rpmm (200 rpi) magnetic tape for information interchange; 3.7 8 position environment : A set of eight positions, each IS0/R 1863, 9-track 32 rpmm (800 rpi) magnetic tape for availabie to record one bit. information interchange; ISO , 9-track

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ISO 962-1974Information processing. Implementation of the 7-bit coded character set and its 7-bit an 第 1 页 ISO 962-1974Information processing. Implementation of the 7-bit coded character set and its 7-bit an 第 2 页 ISO 962-1974Information processing. Implementation of the 7-bit coded character set and its 7-bit an 第 3 页
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