5122 International Standard (ISO) INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION+MEXAYHAPOAHA OPrAHW3AUM IO CTAHAAPTW3ALWM+ORGANISATION INTE RNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Documentation - Abstract sheets in serial publications Documentation -- Sommaires analytiques dans les publications en serie First edition - 1979-06-01 UDC 014.3 : 05 Ref. No. ISO 5122-1979 (E) SO 5122-1979 (E) Descriptors : documentation, periodicals, articles of periodicals, abstract sheets, presentation. Price based on 5 pages Copyright International Organization for Standardization Not for Resale ted without license from IHS FOREWORD Iso (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards institutes (IsO member bodies). The work of developing International Standards is carried out through ISO technical committees. Every member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set up has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with IsO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the ISO Council. International Standard Technical Committee 1SO5122 2was sdeveloped by Documentation, and was circulated to the member bodies in ISO/TC46, September 1977. Poland Australia India Austria Iran Romania Belgium Ireland South Africa, Rep. of Brazil Israel Spain italy Sweden Bulgaria Japan Switzerland Czechoslovakia Korea, Rep. of USA Egypt, Arab Rep. of Mexico USSR France Netherlands Yugoslavia Germany, F. R. Hungary New Zealand The member bodies of the following g countries expressed disapproval of the document on technical grounds : Canada Denmark Finland @ International Organization for Standardization, 1979 o Printed in Switzerland d without license from IHS Not for Resale INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 5122-1979 (E) Documentation -- Abstract sheets in serial publications 0 INTRODUCTION 3 DEFINITION The abstract sheet in a periodical or other serial publication abstract sheet : A page, preferably detachable, placed at the provides a detailed description of each article, giving such beginning or end of every periodical or other serial details as are essential for documentation work. The page is publication comprising more than one contribution, and divided into blocks, each containing information about one including a bibliographic description and an abstract of each contribution. article, arranged so that the least important details are at the head and foot of the block and can be left out when they seem superfluous. The heading of the abstract sheet 4 TEXT OF ABSTRACT SHEET obtaining the original document. The abstract sheet cannot (See examples on pages 3 and 4.) in any way substitute for the contents page of the publication. 4.1 Heading When the pubishers prefer an abstract accompanying each The heading shall contain the following information, which article, it is recommended that the presentation be the same is excluded from the blocks : as for the blocks of the abstract sheet. 1) title of the serial publication in bold type; 2) ISSN (International Standard Serial Number); 1 SCOPE AND FIELD OF APPLICATION 3) date in full of the issue; This International Standard sets out rules for the presentation of an abstract sheet in a periodical or other 4) source of the classification; serial publication. 5) source of descriptors used in the blocks; 2 REFERENCES 6) permission to reproduce abstract sheet(s). Iso 4, Documentation - International code for the 4.2 Blocks abbreviation of titles or periodicals. Each block shall contain the following elements, which ISo 8, Documentation - Presentation of periodicals. should comply with Iso 690, presented in the order IsO 214, Documentation - Abstracts for publications and shown : documentation. 1) number(s) UDC or numbers of other inte

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