5089 NTERNATIONAL STANDARD (Tso) INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION MEKIYHAPOIHA OPIAHW3ALIN HIO CTAHIAPTH3ALIWN.ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Textiles -- Preparation of laboratory test samples and test specimens for chemical testing Textiles -- Preéparation des échantillons reduits de laboratoire et des éprouvettes en vue des essais chimiques First edition --- 1977-10-15 (3) Ref. No. ISO 5089-1977 (E) UDC 677.014.2 : 620.113 1S0 5089-1977 Descriptors : textiles, fibres, yarns, fabrics, sampling, test specimens, chemical tests. Price based on 3 pages Copyright International Organization for Standardization g permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale FOREWORD iso (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards institutes (isO member bodies). The work of developing International Standards is carried out through iso technical committees. Every member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set up has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with isO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the Iso Council. Standard ISO 5089 was developed by Technical ( Committee International circulated the and to member bodies in ISO/TC 38, Textiles, was December 1976. It has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries : France Belgium Romania Germany South Africa, Rep. of Bulgaria Canada India Spain Israel Chile Sweden Czechoslovakia Korea, Rep. of Switzerland Mexico United Kingdom Denmark Egypt, Arab Rep. of U.S.S.R. Netherlands Finland New Zealand Yugoslavia The member body of the following country expressed disapproval of the document on technical grounds : Italy @ International Organization for Standardization, 1977 PrintedinSwitzerland Copyright International Organization for Standardization e from IHS Not for Resale ISO 5089-1977 (E) INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Textiles - Preparation of laboratory test samples and test specimens for chemical testing 0 INTRODUCTION 2.3 laboratory test sample : That portion of the laboratory bulk sample from which specimens are taken for In the methods given in this International Standard, the testing. The size and nature of the laboratory test sample laboratory test samples are obtained by the combination should be sufficient to overcome adequately the variability of numerous small portions each drawn from a different of the laboratory bulk sample. part of the laboratory bulk sample. Therefore, any results obtained on test specimens from these samples will estimate 2.4 test specimen : The portion of material required to the mean level in the laboratory bulk sample but will not give an individual test result. indicate the variability of level from portion to portion of the laboratory bulk sample. Consequently it is appropriate to use this method in cases where it is. desired to estimate the bulk composition, for example the proportions of 3 PRINCIPLE different fibres in a blend, but it is not appropriate in cases The laboratory test sample is taken so that it is variability is important, for example in the where determination of pH where the local value is significant, or representative of the laboratory bulk sample. The test specimens are taken from the laboratory test sample in such in the determination of fungicides, where a high value in a way that each of them is representative of the laboratory Fone area of the material does not compensate for a low ivalue elsewhere. Nor may it be appropriate for use in test sample. determination of commercial mass values. 4 SAMPLING FROM LOOSE FIBRES 1 SCOPE AND FIELD OF APPLICATION This International Standard specifies methods of obtaining 4.1 Non-oriented fibres laboratory test samples of textile m

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ISO 5089-1977Textiles. Preparation of laboratory test samples and test specimens for chemical testin 第 1 页 ISO 5089-1977Textiles. Preparation of laboratory test samples and test specimens for chemical testin 第 2 页 ISO 5089-1977Textiles. Preparation of laboratory test samples and test specimens for chemical testin 第 3 页
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