ISo International Standard 4755 INTERNATIONALORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION-MEKAYHAPOAHAA OPTAHM3ALMANO CTAHAAPTW3ALMM?ORGANISATIONINTERNATIONALEDE NORMALISATION Fasteners - Thread undercuts for external metric IsO threads Elémentsdefixation-Gorgesdedegagementpourélementsafiletageexterieurmetrique/so First edition-1983-02-01 SO 4755-1983 (E) UDC 621.882.14 Ref.No.ISO4755-1983(E) Descriptors:fasteners,bolts,screws,dimensions Price based on 2 pages CopyrightInternational Organization for Standardization Is 1/9972545001 g permitted without license from IHS Foreword ISo (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (Iso member bodies).The work of developing International interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been authorized has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with Iso, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by theIsoCouncil, International Standard ISO 4755 was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 2, Fasteners, and was circulated to the member bodies in December 1981. It has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries: Australia Germany, F.R. NewZealand Austria Hungary Norway Belgium India Poland Brazil Ireland Romania China Italy South Africa, Rep. of Czechoslovakia Japan Spain Denmark Korea, Dem. P. Rep. of Sweden Egypt, Arab Rep. of Korea, Rep.of Switzerland Finland Mexico United Kingdom France Netherlands USSR The member body of the following country expressed disapproval of the document on technical grounds: USA InternationalOrganizationforStandardization,1983 Printed inSwitzerland CopyrightInternatinal Organizatin for Standardization rds 1/9972545001 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO4755-1983 (E) Fasteners s - Thread undercuts for external metric IsO threads Scope and field of application This International Standard lays down the form and dimensions of thread undercuts for bolts, screws and similar externally threaded products, recommended for use in those cases where an undercut is needed for threaded components such as plugs, uniess other- wise specified in the appropriate product standard. Noreproductionornetworking permitedwithout license fromIHS

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ISO 4755 1983 Fasteners — Thread undercuts for external metric ISO threads 第 1 页 ISO 4755 1983 Fasteners — Thread undercuts for external metric ISO threads 第 2 页 ISO 4755 1983 Fasteners — Thread undercuts for external metric ISO threads 第 3 页
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