4385 International Standard (TSO) Plain bearings - Compression testing of metallic bearing materials Palierslisses-Essaidecompressiondesmateriauxantifriction First edition -1981-12-15 >4385-1981 (E) UDC 669.018.24:620.173 Ref.No.ISO4385-1981(E) Descriptors : bearings, plain bearings, bearing alloys, tests, mechanical tests, compression tests, definitions, test results. nal Organization for Standardizatior Price based on 4 pages Not for Resale Foreword IsO (the International Organization for Standardization)is a worldwide federation of national standards institutes (IsO member bodies). The work of developing Inter- national Standards is carried out through ISO technical committees. Every member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set up has the and non-governmental, in liaison with ISo, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the Iso Council. International Standard ISO 4385 was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 123, Plain bearings, and was circulated to the member bodies in January 1979. It has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries : Australia India Romania Bulgaria Italy South Africa, Rep. of Chile Korea, Rep. of Spain Czechoslovakia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Sweden Egypt, Arab Rep. of Netherlands United Kingdom France New Zealand USA Germany, F.R. Poland USSR @InternationalOrganizationforStandardization,1981 Printed in Switzerland Copyright Intermational Organization for Standardization ngemitewithutliceefrm Not for Resale ISO 4385-1981 (E) INTERNATIONALSTANDARD Plain bearings - Compression testing of metallic bearing materials Scope and field of application Specially stipulated compression limits are : This International Standard specifies a method for the com- pression testing of metallic bearing materials. 2.3.1 compression limit 0,2 %, C do,2 : Limit corresponding to a non-proportional or permanent compression of o,2 % : Compression testing within the meaning of this International Standard serves for the determination of the behaviour of Fo,2 metallic materials under uniaxial compression loading which is O do,2 ... . (4) So uniformly distributed over the cross-section. For this purpose, a cylindrical specimen with an original cross-section Sois sub In the case of metallic materials with a continuous compressive jected to compression which is slowly and continuously in- stress-compressive curve, the 0,2 % compression limit is deter- creased, and the compressive force used is measured. mined instead of the compressive yield point (see 2.4). 2 Definitions 2.3.2 compression limit 2 %, Od2 : Limit corresponding to a non-proportionalorpermanentcompressionof2%. 2.1 compressive stress (nominal compressive stress) Od : At any moment of the compression test, the quotient of F2 the compressive force F and the original cross-section So : d2= .. . (5) So F Od = ... (1) So 2.4 natural compressive yield point Ode : Quotient of the compressive force F= (at which the compressive stress- 2.2 compressive strength OdB : Quotient of the com- compression curve begins to increase unsteadily simulta- neously with the appearance of a noticeable permanent com- pressive force F (which is measured when the first crack or pression) and the original cross-section So. fracture occurs) and the original cross-section So : FB OdF = .. . (6) OdB .. . (2) So So If no crack occurs, the test is continued until a given total com- pression Edt. Then the compressive strength o d.. is the quo- 2.5 differential length ALd : At any moment of the test, the difference between the original gauge length Lo and the ac- tient of the compressive force F corresponding to this total tual gauge length L. compression and the original cross-section So:for example,ata given total compression of 50 % : ALd = Lo - L . . (7) Fso O d50 = If L is divided by the origi

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