4296/2 nternational Standard (ISO Manganese ores -- Sampling - Part 2: Preparation of samples Minerais de manganese -- Echantillonnage - Partie 2: Preparation des echantillons First edition - 1983-12-15 504296/2-1983(E) UDC553.32:620.113:543.005 Ref.No.ISO4296/2-1983(E) Descriptors : manganese ores; sampling, specimen preparation, definitions, sampling equipment. Price based on 7 pages Foreword ISo (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (isO member bodies).The work of developing International interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been authorized has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with Iso, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to thememberbodiesforapprovalbeforetheiracceptanceasInternationalStandardsby thelso Council. International Committee Iso/Tc 65, Manganese and chromium ores, and was circulated to the member bodies inMarch1983. It has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries: Australia Germany, F.R. South Africa, Rep. of Austria India Thailand Bulgaria Italy United Kingdom China Japan USSR Czechoslovakia Poland Egypt, Arab Rep. of. Romania The member body of the following country expressed disapproval of the document on technical grounds: France International Organization for Standardization, 1983 Printed in Switzerland Coovriaht Inte n for Standardization ISO 4296/2-1983 (E) INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Manganese ores - Sampling Part 2: Preparation of samples Introduction 3.4 subsample: ISo 4296 consists of the following parts: 1) A quantity of an ore consisting of several increments taken from a part of a consignment. Part 1: Increment sampling. 2)A composite of several increments whichhavebeen Part 2: Preparation of samples. crushed and divided individually. 3.5 grosssample: Scopeandfieldof application 1) Thequantityof anoreconsistingof all theincrements This part of iso 4296 specifies methods of preparing samples takenfromaconsignment. of manganese ores for determining the chemical composition and moisture content ofa consignment.The methods'areap- 2) An aggregation of all the increments or all the sub- plicable to all manganese ores, whether natural or processed. samples after they have been crushed and divided in- dividually. Details of the riffle divider to be used are given in the annex. 3.6 divided sample: A sample obtained by a method of divi- sion. 2 References 3.7 moisture sample: The sample taken for the determina- ISo565,Testsieves-Wovenmetalwirecloth,perforated tion of moisture content of the consignment or part of the con- plate and electroformed sheet -Nominal sizes of openings. signment. Iso4296/1,Manganeseores- Sampling-Part1:Incre- 3.8 sample for chemical analysis: The sample taken for mentsampling. the determination of chemical composition of the consignment or part of the consignment. Iso4299,Manganese ores Determination of moisture content. 3.9 final sample: Any sample for determination of moisture content or chemical composition, which is prepared from each increment, each subsample, orfrom thegross sample in accor- 3 Definitions dance with the specified method for that type of sample. 3.1 lot:Adefinitequantity of an ore,processed or produced 3.10 whole-through sieve size:The size of openings,in under conditionswhich arepresumed uniform. millimetres, of a sieve through which 100 % of the sample passes. 3.2 consignment: A quantity of an ore delivered at one time. The consignment may consist of one or more lots or parts 4 General rules of lots. 4.1 The sample for each required determination shall be 3.3 increment: takenaccordingtoISO4296/1. 1) A quantity of ore taken at one time from a consign- ment. 4.2 Samples for moisture determination and chemical analysis shall be prepared separately. Moisture content shall be 2) A quantity taken in

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ISO 4296-2 1983 Manganese ores — Sampling — Part 2  Preparation of samples 第 1 页 ISO 4296-2 1983 Manganese ores — Sampling — Part 2  Preparation of samples 第 2 页 ISO 4296-2 1983 Manganese ores — Sampling — Part 2  Preparation of samples 第 3 页
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