INTERNATIONALSTANDARDISO 14125:1998 ISo TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1 Published2001-07-15 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION :MEKIYHAPOHAA OPTAHM3ALMA O CTAHIAPTW3ALIWИ :ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DENORMALISATION Fibre-reinforced plastic composites Determination of flexural properties TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1 Compositesplastiques renforcés defibres-Determinationdesproprietésdeflexion RECTIFICATIFTECHNIQUE1 Technical Corrigendum 1 to International Standard ISO 14125:1998 was prepared by Technical Committee Iso/Tc 61, Plastics, Subcommittee SC 13, Composites and reinforcement fibres. Page1, subclause1.3 Replace the second paragraph by the following text: 7,5 mm. This is generally the case with materials intended for injection moulding." ICS 83.120 Ref. No.ISO 14125:1998/Cor.1:2001(E) ISO2001-Allrightsreserved Not for Resale ST.IS0 14125-ENGL 1998 4851903 0739838 9T2 INTERNATIONAL ISO STANDARD 14125 First edition 1998-03-01 Fibre-reinforced plastic composites Determination of flexural properties Composites plastiques renforces defibres-Determination desproprietes deflexion This material is reproduced from Iso documents under International Organization for of these iso documents may be reproduced in any form, electronic retrieval system or otherwise,exceptas allowed in the copyright law ofthe country ofuse, or with the prior written consentofisO (Case postale 56,1211 Geneva 20,Switzerland,Fax+41 2273410 79), HS orthe ISO Licensor's members. OSI Reference number ISO 14125:1998(E) Copyright Intermational Organization for Standardization r license with IS Not for Resale 48519030739839839 ISO14125:1998(E) Contents Page 1 Scope 1 2 Normative references. 2 3 Principle. 2 4 Definitions 3 5 Apparatus 4 6 Test specimens 6 7 Number of test specimens 8 8 Conditioning 8 9 Procedure 8 10 Calculation and expression of results 6 11 Precision ... 12 12 Testreport 13 Annex A (normative) Other test specimens 14 Annex B (normative) Large-deflection corrections Calculation and expression of results. 15 @ISO1998 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. InternationalOrganizationforStandardization Casepostale56-CH-1211Geneve20-Switzerland Internet X.400 C=ch;a=400net; p=iso;0=isocs; S=central Printed in Switzerland ii Copyright Intemational Organization for Standardization license from IHS Not for Resale

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ISO 14125 1998 Fibre-reinforced plastic composites — Determination of flexural properties 第 1 页 ISO 14125 1998 Fibre-reinforced plastic composites — Determination of flexural properties 第 2 页 ISO 14125 1998 Fibre-reinforced plastic composites — Determination of flexural properties 第 3 页
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