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ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 7240-15 Second edition 2014-07-01 Fire detection and alarm systems Part 15: Point-type fire detectors using smoke and heat sensors Systemes de détection et d'alarme d'incendie - Partie 15: Détecteurs linéaires de fumee utilisant une transmission parfaisceaux lumineux Reference number ISO 7240-15:2014(E) SO International Organization for Standardization @ IS0 2014 ng Institute of Standardization 5956617 vided by IHS under ted without license from IHS IS0 7240-15:2014(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT ISO2014 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISOcopyrightoffice Case postale 56:CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail [email protected] Web www.iso.org Published in Switzerland Prganizationfor Standardization Not for Resale, 2015/3/11 03:08:40 etworking permitted without license from IHS IS0 7240-15:2014(E) Contents Page Foreword ..V Introduction. ..vii 1 Scope. 2 Normative references 3 Terms, definitions, and abbreviations 3.1 Terms and definitions .2 3.2 Abbreviated terms... ..2 Requirements .2 4 4.1 Compliance 2 4.2 Design considerations .2 4.3 Smoke-response value of detectors using scattered or transmitted light 2 4.4 Individual alarm indication. .3 4.5 Indication of other conditions .3 4.6 Connection of ancillary devices .3 4.7 Monitoring of detachable detectors. .3 4.8 Manufacturer's adjustments. 3 4.9 On-site adjustment of response behaviour .3 4.10 Responsetoslowlydevelopingfires .4 4.11 Protection against ingress of foreign bodies 4.12 Software-controlled detectors.. .4 5 Tests .6 5.1 General. 5.2 Repeatability of smoke response .9 5.3 Directionaldependenceofsmokeresponse .10 5.4 Directional dependence of heat response. ..11 5.5 Reproducibility of smoke response. .11 5.6 Reproducibility of heat response .12 5.7 Lower limit of heat response. .12 5.8 Airmovement. .13 5.9 Dazzling .14 5.10 Variation in supply parameters (voltage) ..14 5.11 Dry heat (operational) .15 5.12 Coid (operational) 16 5.13 Damp heat, cyclic (operational) .17 5.14 Damp heat, steady-state (endurance) .18 5.15 Sulfur dioxide (SO2) corrosion (endurance) .19 5.16 Shock (operational) 20 5.17 Impact (operational) 21 5.18 Vibration, sinusoidal (operational) .22 5.19 Vibration, sinusoidal (endurance) .24 5.20 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) .25 5.21 Detectors with more than one smoke sensor - Optionaltest .25 5.22 Fire sensitivity .26 6 Test report. .28 7 Marking. ..28 8 Data ..29 Annex A (normative) Compensation for detector drift .30 Annex B (normative) Smoke tunnel for smoke-response value measurements .35 Annex C (normative) Heat tunnel for heat-response value measurements ..40 iii isee=Zhejang Insttute of Standardization 5956617 bvidedbyIHSunder licensewithISC ted withoutlicensefrom IHS Not for Resale, 2015/3/11 03:08:40

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ISO 7240-15 2014 Fire detection and alarm systems — Part 15  Point-type fire detectors using smoke and heat sensors 第 1 页 ISO 7240-15 2014 Fire detection and alarm systems — Part 15  Point-type fire detectors using smoke and heat sensors 第 2 页 ISO 7240-15 2014 Fire detection and alarm systems — Part 15  Point-type fire detectors using smoke and heat sensors 第 3 页
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