ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 10924-5 First edition 2016-04-01 Road vehicles Circuit breakers Part 5: Circuit breakers with bolt with rated voltage of 450 V Vehicules routiers- Coupe-circuits - Partie 5: Coupe circuit moyen a boulon avec une tension nominale de 450 V Reference number IS0 10924-5:2016(E) ISO International Organization for Standardization @ IS0 2016 ZHEJIANG INSTOFSTANDARDIZATION C15956617 vided by IHS underI ted without license from IHS IS0 10924-5:2016(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT IS0 2016, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyrightoffice Ch. de Blandonnet 8 . CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel. +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 Internatinair PrganizationforStandardization nsee-ZHEJIANG INSTOF STANDARDIZAoSQ6- All rights reserved etworking permitted without license from IHS IS0 10924-5:2016(E) Contents Page Foreword ..iv 1 Scope .1 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Marking, labelling and colour coding 5 Tests and requirements. 2 5.1 General .2 5.1.1 General test conditions .2 5.1.2 Test sequence plan. 2 5.1.3 Test cable sizes. 5.2 Voltage drop 4 5.2.1 Purpose ..4 5.2.2 Tests. 4 5.2.3 Requirements .4 5.3 Maximum housing temperature .5 5.4 Environmental conditions 5 5.5 Operating time-rating 5 5.5.1 Purpose. .5 5.5.2 Tests. .5 5.5.3 Requirements 5 5.6 Current steps .5 5.7 No current trip and reset temperature 5 5.8 Absolute breaking capacity .6 5.8.1 Tests.. .6 5.8.2 Requirements .6 5.9 Breaking capacity .6 5.9.1 Tests. .6 5.9.2 Requirements 5.10 Strength of terminals. .6 5.10.1 Tests ..6 5.10.2 Requirements 7 5.11 Endurance 5.11.1 Tests 7 5.11.2 Requirements .7 5.12 Dielectric strength. .7 5.12.1 Tests .7 5.12.2 Requirement. .7 5.13 Pulsetest .7 5.13.1 Purpose 5.13.2 Test. 7 5.13.3 Requirement .8 6 Dimensions and designation example Bibliography .10 iii See=ZHEJIANG INST OF STANDARDIZATION C1 5956617 ed without license from IHS Not for Resale, 2016/7/20 02:46:49

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ISO 10924-5 2016 Road vehicles — Circuit breakers — Part 5  Circuit breakers with bolt with rated voltage of 450 V 第 1 页 ISO 10924-5 2016 Road vehicles — Circuit breakers — Part 5  Circuit breakers with bolt with rated voltage of 450 V 第 2 页 ISO 10924-5 2016 Road vehicles — Circuit breakers — Part 5  Circuit breakers with bolt with rated voltage of 450 V 第 3 页
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