ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 10360-12 First edition 2016-10-01 Geometrical product specifications GPS)Acceptanceandreverification tests for coordinate measuring systems (CMS) 一 Part 12: Articulated arm coordinate measurement machines (CMM) Specificationgéomeétriquedesproduits(GPS)-Essaisde réception etdevérification periodiquedes systemes demesure tridimensionnels (SMT) Partie 12: Machines a mesurer tridimensionnelles a bras articules (MMT) Reference number IS0 10360-12:2016(E) [So IS02016 IS0 10360-12:2016(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT @ IS0 2016, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form the requester. ISO copyright office Ch. de Blandonnet 8 CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel. +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +4122749 09 47 IS02016-Allrightsreserved IS0 10360-12:2016(E) Contents Page Foreword iv Introduction .v 1 Scope. 2 Normativereferences 1 3 Terms and definitions 1 4 Symbols 6 5 Rated operating conditions 7 5.1 Environmentalconditions. 7 5.2 Operating conditions. 8 6 Acceptancetests and reverificationtests .8 6.1 General .8 6.2 Probing size and form errors .8 6.2.1 Principle 8 6.2.2 Measuring equipment 8 6.2.3 Procedure .8 6.2.4 Derivation oftestresults 10 6.3 Articulated location errors 10 6.3.1 Principle 10 6.3.2 Measuring equipment 10 6.3.3 Procedure 10 6.3.4 Derivation of test results 11 6.4 Length measurement errors.. 11 6.4.1 Principle .11 6.4.2 Measuring equipment 12 6.4.3 Procedure .12 7 Compliance with specification 16 7.1 Acceptance tests 16 7.1.1 Acceptance criteria .16 7.1.2 Data rejection and repeated measurements 16 7.2 Reverificationtests .17 8 Applications. 17 8.1 Acceptance test. .17 8.2 Reverification test .17 8.3 .18 Interim check 9 Indication inproductdocumentationand data sheets .19 AnnexA (informative)Forms .20 AnnexB(normative)Artefactsthatrepresentacalibratedtestlength .22 AnnexC (informative)Alignmentof artefacts .28 AnnexD (informative)Interimtesting .29 Annex E (normative) Testing a scanning probing system of an articulated arm CMM .31 AnnexF (normative) Length error measurementby concatenating test lengths .32 AnnexG (informative)Optional probing articulated sizeandforms errors .37 AnnexH (informative)Optional repeatabilityrange ofthe length measurement error .38 AnnexI(informative)RelationtotheGPSmatrixmodel .39 Bibliography .40 @ IS0 2016 -All rights reserved ii

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ISO 10360-12 2016 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring systems (CMS) — Part 12  Articulated arm coordinate measurement machines (CMM) 第 1 页 ISO 10360-12 2016 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring systems (CMS) — Part 12  Articulated arm coordinate measurement machines (CMM) 第 2 页 ISO 10360-12 2016 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring systems (CMS) — Part 12  Articulated arm coordinate measurement machines (CMM) 第 3 页
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