ISO/IEC INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 21118 Third edition 2020-02 Information technology - Office equipment Information to be includedin specificationsheetsfor data projectors Technologies de l'information-Equipements de bureau- Informationaincluredans lesfeuillesdespecifications pour projecteursdedonnees Referencenumber ISOLEC IS0/IEC21118:2020(E) IS0/IEC21118:2020(E) Contents Page Foreword .iv 1 Scope .1 2 Normativereferences .1 3 Terms anddefinitions. .1 4 Measuring methods and conditions .3 5 Itemsinspecificationsheets. 4 AnnexA(normative)Specificationsheets. .9 Annex B (normative) Measuring methods and conditions 11 Bibliography .23
ISO IEC 21118 2020 Information technology — Office equipment — Information to be