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ISO/IEC INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 14443-2 Fourth edition 2020-07 Cards and security devices for personal identification Contactless proximity objects -- Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface Cartes et dispositifs de securite pour I'identification personnelle- Objetssanscontactdeproximite Partie 2: Interface radiofrequence et des signaux de communication Reference number IEC IS0/IEC14443-2:2020(E) ISO @ISO/IEC2020 IS0/IEC 14443-2:2020(E) Contents Page Foreword .iv Introduction .V 1 Scope. 1 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions .1 4 Symbols and abbreviated terms .2 5 General considerations 5 5.1 Initial dialogue 5 5.2 Compliance. 5 5.2.1 PICC compliance 5 5.2.2 PCD compliance .5 6 Power transfer .6 6.1 General. 6 6.2 Frequency 6 6.3 Operating field strength .6 7 Signal interface .7 8 Communication signal interface Type A .9 8.1 Communication PCD to PICC 9 8.1.1 Bit rate 9 8.1.2 Modulation. .9 8.1.3 Bit representation and coding 18 8.2 Communication PICC to PCD 23 8.2.1 Bit rate 23 8.2.2 PICC load modulation transmission 23 8.2.3 Subcarrier. 27 8.2.4 Subcarrier modulation 28 8.2.5 PCD load modulation reception 28 8.2.6 Bit representation and coding. .32 9 Communication signal interface Type B 32 9.1 Communication PCD to PICC .32 9.1.1 Bitrate 32 9.1.2 Modulation for bit ratesoff/128,f/64,fc/32,fc/16,fc/8,fc/4,andf/2 33 9.1.3 Bit representation and coding. 41 9.2 Communication PICC to PCD. 41 9.2.1 Bit rate 41 9.2.2 PICC load modulation transmission 42 9.2.3 Subcarrier. 42 9.2.4 Subcarrier modulation 9.2.5 PCD load modulation reception 42 9.2.6 Bit representation and coding. 42 10 Electromagnetic disturbance levels .42 10.1 PCDlimits 42 10.2 PICClimits 42 Annex A (informative) Complex envelope and constellation diagram .44 Annex B (informative) Inter symbol interference 45 Bibliography .47 IS0/IEC2020-Allrightsreserved iii

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ISO IEC 14443-2 2020 Cards and security devices for personal identification — Contact 第 1 页 ISO IEC 14443-2 2020 Cards and security devices for personal identification — Contact 第 2 页 ISO IEC 14443-2 2020 Cards and security devices for personal identification — Contact 第 3 页
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