ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 21801-1 First edition 2020-01 Cognitive accessibility - Part 1: General guidelines Accessibilite cognitive Partie 1: Lignes directrices génerales Reference number IS021801-1:2020(E) ISO @ IS0 2020 IS0 21801-1:2020(E) Contents Page Foreword .V Introduction 1 Scope. ..1 2 Normative references. 3 Terms and definitions. .1 4 Implementing the recommendations .2 5 Motivation and focus .3 5.1 General. 3 5.2 Means of motivation 3 5.2.1 Recruiting interest 3 5.2.2 Individual options. 3 5.2.3 Autonomous use.. 3 5.2.4 Usefulness and relevance 4 5.2.5 Level of abstraction. 4 5.2.6 Focus on the desired outcome. 4 5.2.7 Challenge by varying demands and resources. 4 5.2.8 Self-regulation, self-assessment and coping 4 5.2.9 Unintentional triggers of inappropriate reactions 5 5.2.10 Differences in coping abilities . 5 5.2.11 Self-determination and confidence. 5 5.2.12 Threats and trust 5 5.2.13 Accessibility and safety .5 5.3 Focus, attention and feedback 5 5.3.1 Object in focus 5 5.3.2 Shifts in focus. 6 5.3.3 Inadvertent changes of focus or division of attention 6 5.3.4 Feedback.. 6 6 Representation and understanding .7 6.1 General .7 6.2 Multiple means of representation and understanding 7 6.2.1 Simplify the language Dealing with words 7 6.2.2 Simplify the language - - Dealing with symbols 7 6.2.3 Simplify the message structure. 8 6.2.4 Understanding across language barriers. .8 6.2.5 Translation processes. 8 6.2.6 Optionsforfindinginformation. 8 6.2.7 Equal opportunities for comprehension 8 6.3 Spatial orientation and understanding of values and sizes 9 6.3.1 Entities and sizes. 9 6.3.2 Scales and relative values. .10 6.3.3 Position in space. .10 6.4 Simple, understandable and logical design 10 6.4.1 Logical and consistent design. .10 6.4.2 Background knowledge. .10 6.4.3 Transfer and generalization. .10 6.4.4 Understanding underlying concepts and ideas. .10 6.4.5 Complexity .11 7 Action ..11 7.1 General ..11 7.2 Means of expression. ..11 7.2.1 Customizable media for information, expression and communication .11 7.3 Organization, planning and time management. .12 @ IS0 2020 - All rights reserved ii

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ISO 21801-1 2020 Cognitive accessibility — Part 1  General guidelines 第 1 页 ISO 21801-1 2020 Cognitive accessibility — Part 1  General guidelines 第 2 页 ISO 21801-1 2020 Cognitive accessibility — Part 1  General guidelines 第 3 页
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