BSIS05618-2:2024 BSIStandardsPublication Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) Test method for GaN crystal surface defects Part 2: Method for determining etch pit density bsi. BSISO5618-2:2024 BRITISH STANDARD Nationalforeword ThisBritishStandardistheUKimplementationofIS05618-2:2024. The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical CommitteeRPI/13,Advancedtechnicalceramics. A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its committee manager. Contractualand legalconsiderations Thispublication hasbeenprepared in goodfaith, however no representation,warranty,assuranceorundertaking(expressor implied) is or will be made, and no responsibility or liability is or will be acceptedbyBsIinrelationtotheadequacy,accuracy,completenessor reasonableness ofthis publication.Alland any suchresponsibility and liability is expressly disclaimedto the full extent permitted bythelaw. Thispublicationisprovided as is,and istobeusedat the recipient's own risk. The recipient is advised to consider seeking professional guidance with respecttoitsuseofthis publication. This publication is not intended to constitute a contract. Users are responsibleforits correctapplication. TheBritishStandardsInstitution2024 PublishedbyBSIStandardsLimited2024 ISBN9780539224795 ICS81.060.30 CompliancewithaBritish Standard cannotconferimmunityfrom legal obligations. This British Standard waspublished under the authority of the StandardsPolicyandStrategyCommitteeon31May2024. Amendments/corrigendaissuedsincepublication Date Textaffected

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