ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 10054 First edition 1998-09-01 Internal combustion compression-ignition engines -- Measurement apparatus for smoke from engines operating under steady-state conditions Filter-type smokemeter Moteurs a combustion interne a allumage par compression - Appareillage de mesure de la fumee des moteurs dans les conditions stabilisees . Fumimetres a filtre Organizatlon for Standardization (isO) Copyright License number IHS/ICC/1996. Not for resale. No part of these Iso documents may be reproduced in any form, electronic retrieval system or otherwise, except as aliowed in the copyright law of the country of use, or with the prior written consent of ISo (Case postale 56, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, Fax +41 22 734 10 79), IHS or the isO Licensor's members. ISO Reference number ISO 10054:1998(E) vided by IHS under license with ISC No reprodu ISO 10054:1998(E) Contents Page 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Definition Symbols 5 Measurement principle 2 6 Characteristics of filter-type smokemeters 6.1 Reference conditions 2 6.2 General specifications 6.3 Parameters 5 7 Information required from manufacturer 8 Operating conditions of filter-type smokemeter 8.1 Installation of filter-type smokemeter 8.2 Sampling procedure 9 Maintenance of filter-type smokemeter functional ability 10 Verification of types of filter-type smokemeters 10.1 Applicable procedures 10.2 Instrumentation and checking facilities for verification 8 10.3 Checking for verification 8 10.4 Measurements and calculations for verification ISO1998 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher International OrganizationforStandardization Case postale 56 . CH-1211 Geneve 20 · Switzerland Internet Printed in Switzerland ISO 10054:1998(E) @ISO 10.5 Cleanliness of gas in dead volume 9 10.6 Temperature at end of sampling 9 10.7 Representative sampling 10 10.8 Uniform blackening of filter area 10 10.9 Reflectometer characteristics 10 10.10 Filter characteristics 11 10.11 Calibration screen 11 10.12 Accuracy of reflectometer system 11 10.13 Statistical methods 11 Annexes A Equipment for checking leakage and actual suction volume of filter-type smokemeter 12 A.1 General description 12 A.2 Specification of equipment necessary 12 A.3 Preparatory steps 15 A.4 Test procedure for checking leak-tightness and actual suction volume 16 A.5 Test procedure for checking nominal suction volume 16 B Bibliography 17 ili No reproduction or networking permited without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 10054 1998 Internal combustion compression-ignition engines — Measurement apparatus for smoke from engines operating under steady-state conditions — Filter-type smokemeter
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