ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 23584-2 First edition 2012-08-15 Optics and photonics Specification of reference dictionary - Part 2: Classes' and properties' definitions Optique et photonique-Spécification d'un dictionnaire de reférence- Partie 2: Définitions des classes et des propriétés Reference number ISO 23584-2:2012(E) LSO @ ISO 2012 HS under ted without license from IHS Not for Resale ISO23584-2:2012(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT ISO2012 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 · CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail [email protected] Web Published in Switzerland @ ISO 2012 -All rights reserved No reproductic etworking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale ISO23584-2:2012(E) Contents Page Foreword 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions.. 4 Explanatory notes. 5 Definition classes... 3 5.1 IS0Tc172-AAA005-001: 01 generalities, terminology, standardization, documentation.. 3 5.2 ISOTC172-AAA018-001: quantities... 5.3 ISOTc172-AAA008-001: quantities of light and related electromagnetic radiations ... 5 5.4 IS0TC172-AAA012-001: 07 mathematics, natural sciences ... 6 5.5 ISOTC172-AAA019-001: 11 health care technology .. 5.6 ISOTC172-AAA001-001: 13 environment, health protection, safety.. .8 5.7 ISOTc172-AAA009-001: 17 metrology and measurement... .9 5.8 ISOTC172-AAA015-001: 21 mechanical systems and components for general use. 10 5.9 ISOTC172-AAA028-001:31 electronics.. 5.10 IS0TC172-AAA003-001: 37 image technology 12 5.11 ISOTC172-AAA013-001: functional coating 5.12 ISOTC172-AAA011-001:opticalelement 14 5.13 ISOTC172-AAA002-001: optical material.. 15 5.14 ISOTC172-AAA010-001: optical glass... 5.15 ISOTC172-AAA014-001: optical system.. 17 5.16 IS0TC172-AAA007-001: optically used surface 5.17 ISOTC172-AAA017-001:diffractive surface. 19 5.18 ISOTC172-AAA006-001: dioptric surface.. 20 6 Properties...... 21 6.1 ISOTC172-AAA036-001: Abbe number referred to d-line 21 6.2 ISOTC172-AAA055-001: Abbe number referred to e-line. 22 6.3 ISOTC172-AAA075-001: acid resistance... 23 6.4 ISOTC172-AAA069-001: acid resistance class.. .24 6.5 ISOTC172-AAA074-001: alkali resistance.. .26 6.6 ISOTC172-AAA070-001: alkali resistance class.. 27 6.7 ISOTC172-AAA057-001: categories of optics. 29 6.8 ISOTC172-AAA053-001: coefficient B1 of Sellmeier-equation. 31 6.9 ISOTC172-AAA054-001:coefficient B2 of Sellmeier-equation. 32 6.10 ISOTC172-AAA035-001: coefficient B3 of Sellmeier-equation.. 33 6.11 ISoTc172-AAA056-001: coefficient C1 of Sellmeier-equation... .34 6.12 ISOTC172-AAA038-001: coefficient C2 of Sellmeier-equation.... 35 6.13 ISOTC172-AAA059-001: coefficient C3 of Sellmeier-equation.. 36 6.14 IS0Tc172-AAA085-001: coefficient of mean linear thermal expansion α (-30C;+70C) 37 6.15 ISOTC172-AAA077-001: colour code .. .38 6.16 ISOTc172-AAA033-001: direction of curvature of an optical surface. .39 6.17 ISOTC172-AAA072-001: identification of visible surface changes.. .40 6.18 ISOTC172-AAA076-001: internal transmittance .. 42 6.19 ISOTC172-AAA078-001: Knoop hardness per ISO 9385:1990 43 6.20 ISOTC172-AAA046-001: manipulation of light.... .44 6.21 ISOTc172-AAA029-001: manufacturer of optical glass. .45 6.22 ISOTC172-AAA088-001: material imperfection ... .46 6.23 ISOTC172-AAA037-001: material imperfection in terms of bubbles and inclusions 47 6.24 ISOTc172-AAA060-001: material imperfection in terms of stress birefringence.... .48 6.25 IS0TC172-AAA042-001:material imperfections interms of striae. 49 6.26 ISOTC172-AAA067-001:materialimperfectionsofrefractiveindex 51 6.27 IS0TC172-AAA050-001: mathematical description of surface 53 6.28 ISOTC172-AAA058-001: n(2) as per Sellmeier-e

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ISO 23584-2 2012 Optics and photonics — Specification of reference dictionary — Part 2  Classes' and properties' definitions 第 1 页 ISO 23584-2 2012 Optics and photonics — Specification of reference dictionary — Part 2  Classes' and properties' definitions 第 2 页 ISO 23584-2 2012 Optics and photonics — Specification of reference dictionary — Part 2  Classes' and properties' definitions 第 3 页
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