ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 17089-2 First edition 2012-10-01 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits Ultrasonic meters for gas Part 2: Meters for industrial applications Mesurage de débit des fluides dans les conduites fermées - Compteurs a ultrasons pour gaz Partie 2: Compteurs pour applications industrielles Reference number ISO 17089-2:2012(E) ISO Copyrightintemational Organizationfor Standardization @ISO2012 HS under I No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale ISO 17089-2:2012(E) COPYRiGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT ISO2012 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 · CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail Web Published in Switzerland @ ISO 2012 - All rights reserved No reproduction or networking permited without license from IHS Not for Resale ISO 17089-2:2012(E) Contents Page Foreword .. iv Introduction 1 Scope. 2 Normative references. 3 Terms, definitions, and symbols. 3.1 Terms and definitions.. 3.2 Symbols and subscripts. 6 3.3 Abbreviations... 4 Principles of measurement. 4.1 Transit time ultrasonicmeters 4.2 Flare or vent gas meters.. 4.3 Factors affecting performance ... 9 4.4 Descriptionofgenerictypes... .9 4.5 Impact of pressure and temperature on the flowmeter geometry 14 4.6 UsM measurement uncertainty determination. 14 4.7 UsM classification... 14 5 Meter characteristics. .15 5.1 Performance indications... 15 5.2 Operating conditions. 15 5.3 Meter body, materials, and construction 15 5.4 Connections.. 16 5.5 Dimensions 16 5.6 Ultrasonic ports. .16 5.7 Pressure tapping ... 16 5.8 Anti-roll provision . 16 5.9 Flow conditioner. 17 5.10 Markings 17 5.11 Transducers 17 5.12 Electronics 17 5.13 Firmware and software ... 5.14 Inspection and verification functions .. 19 5.15 Operation and installation requirements 19 5.16 Installation requirements and flow profile considerations 21 5.17 Handling and transportation .. 22 6 Test and calibration 23 6.1 Flow test and calibration .. 23 6.2 Static testing for leakage and pressure ... .23 6.3 Dimensional measurements.... .23 6.4 Dynamic testing (testing and calibration, adjustment under flowing conditions) .25 6.5 Meter diagnostics... 26 6.6 In situ verification... .27 .29 Bibliography .36 ili No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale

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ISO 17089-2 2012 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits - Ultrasonic meters for gas — Part 2  Meters for industrial applications 第 1 页 ISO 17089-2 2012 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits - Ultrasonic meters for gas — Part 2  Meters for industrial applications 第 2 页 ISO 17089-2 2012 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits - Ultrasonic meters for gas — Part 2  Meters for industrial applications 第 3 页
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